Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Work Place 101

This post is dedicated to everyone who has working experience. You may be climbing the corporate ladder, slogging it out in your blue-collared uniform, pocketing easy money from the powers that be, or just hatching some grand money-making scheme in your grey matter.

Whatever it is that you do for a living (or for the fun of it), you would have encountered the experience of working with people. You may be working with only 1 person, or the entire conglomerate across the globe. And when you and others work together towards a goal, this process is called teamwork.

Effective communication then becomes the key to getting messages across loud and clear to the whole team. It helps avert missed deadlines, wrong results, or system breakdown.

So sometimes you may be lucky enough to have teammates who share the same work principle, drive and enthusiasm as yourself to see a project from start to finish.

But what do you do if you're not so lucky? What can you do to improve the situation when the team isn't working as a team?

I'd love to hear from you guys... please drop me your comments. Thanks!


Valen said...

Hi. Check out this 'Blog of the Day Blogroll' thing at my blog (valen at home). You joined already?

Bee Stung Lips said...

Not yet... need help on how to add things to my side bar.